Public design, urban design
Aktive Bahnhöfe
Visual identity
Credits: Internationale Bauaustellung I Lengsfeld Designkonzepte GmbH
Internationale Bauaustellung – IBA Basel 2020
CH-4001 Basel
Lengsfeld Designkonzepte GmbH
CH-4057 Basel
The main aim of the IBA Basel 2020 is to ensure better connections for the people of three nations who live in the tri-border area. One aspect of that is cross-border public mobility, which was to be given a communal visual identity. The concept covers the region’s 14 active stations in Switzerland, Germany and France; existing material was integrated and made more user-friendly. The information is framed by dynamic wedges in eye-catching shades of red and blue. Besides providing orientation, the aim is to strengthen the region’s cross-border identity.
The design takes up a very important issue: the creation of a signage system for local public transport that covers and depicts entire regions consistently. The example shows just how complex a task that is, but also how well it can be accomplished. An exemplary approach that will hopefully catch on.