UNCOVER Design Awards 2020/2021
Submission Deadline: February 28th (23:59h CET)
Human history has shown, that civilisations can arise and collapse. When a peak has been reached, a phase of decadence commences. This phase reveals abundance, dissipation, decay, brutalisation and squalidness – in short: the decline of society. Currently there is a lot of evidence that western civilisation has reached a tipping point. Social models based on enduring economic growth at the expense of exploiting our planet are reaching their limits.
The UNCOVER DESIGN AWARDS will reward outstanding output and works dealing with urgent challenges of our society, taking into account the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.
Calling on students, young professionals, freelancers and agencies from all over the world to translate and implement their own interpretations of DECADENCE into Design: create processes, projects or products that have the potential to counteract with societal decay.
Be courageous!
Be creative!
Be revolutionary!
The UNCOVER Design Awards carry a total value of 20.000€ and are presented in five categories:
UNCOVER Design Award by the City of Mannheim (5.000€)
UNCOVER UX-Design Award by kuehlhaus (5.000€)
UNCOVER Award for exceptional design by Kreativregion (2.500€)
UNCOVER Critics Choice Award by Designzentrum Rhein Neckar (2.500€)
WELDE Design Award (5.000€)
The UNCOVER Jury will assign the submissions to the four individual categories:
Prof. Dr. Sarah Diefenbach (Business Psychologist and Consumer Researcher)
Markus Artur Fuchs (Communications Architect and Transformation Designer)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Friedrich (Philosopher and Design Scientist)
Cesy Leonard (Action Artist and Film Producer)
Ilka Sobottke (Pastor and building „bridges“)
For more info please visit our website: uncover-mannheim.de
The UNCOVER DESIGN AWARDS will reward outstanding output and works dealing with urgent challenges of our society, taking into account the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.
Calling on students, young professionals, freelancers and agencies from all over the world to translate and implement their own interpretations of DECADENCE into Design: create processes, projects or products that have the potential to counteract with societal decay.
Be courageous!
Be creative!
Be revolutionary!
The UNCOVER Design Awards carry a total value of 20.000€ and are presented in five categories:
UNCOVER Design Award by the City of Mannheim (5.000€)
UNCOVER UX-Design Award by kuehlhaus (5.000€)
UNCOVER Award for exceptional design by Kreativregion (2.500€)
UNCOVER Critics Choice Award by Designzentrum Rhein Neckar (2.500€)
WELDE Design Award (5.000€)
The UNCOVER Jury will assign the submissions to the four individual categories:
Prof. Dr. Sarah Diefenbach (Business Psychologist and Consumer Researcher)
Markus Artur Fuchs (Communications Architect and Transformation Designer)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Friedrich (Philosopher and Design Scientist)
Cesy Leonard (Action Artist and Film Producer)
Ilka Sobottke (Pastor and building „bridges“)
For more info please visit our website: uncover-mannheim.de