Our bricks-and-mortar library gives anyone interested in design access to a specialised collection of publications dealing with all aspects of design. It comprises approximately 10,000 books and numerous magazines from Germany and abroad and thus provides a wealth of information on specialist topics from a wide range of design disciplines. See our online catalogue for details of the entire collection.
Our main areas of focus are:
- Industrial design and product design
- Communication design and graphic design
- Interior design and furniture design
- Fashion design
- Textile design
- New media
- Architecture
- Game design
Details of the collection are available in our online catalogue.
If you can’t or don’t wish to visit the Design Library in person, please get in touch by phone or mail. We will provide the required information in the same way. We can also conduct brief thematic searches for you on request.
Contact the librarian for further information:
Telephone: +49 (0)711-123 26 37
Fax: +49 (0)711-123 27 71
Email: dagmar.harich@rps.bwl.de
Our opening times:
Tuesday to Thursday: 9.00 to 15.00
Friday: 9.00 to 13.00